Harmony Hill Retreat Center in Union, WA www.HarmonyHill.org provides cancer patients a rare opportunity to deal with their emotional and psychological challenges together, free of charge. I have known many people who have suffered from cancer who could have benefitted from this invaluable service. Without donations, it would be impossible to offer this service. Certainly not for free.
So it was my privilege to be invited to donate my time to play acoustic cello solos at the Summerfest '07 Dinner and Auction with Xinh. I would like to thank Xinh for the dinner, Pam and Gary Hanson of Cameo Boutique for the opportunity and the Harmony staff for helping set up the sound. I played contemporary popular music from 1915 to about 1980 and received a great number of compliments and gratitude. That feels good, and so does knowing that event raised $30,000 that night which was matched by the William and Melinda Gates Foundation. Thank you again to everyone involved.